As if orange cookies aren't already magical enough, I decided to add to the magic with this really cool cookie cutter I bought on Amazon. I was online shopping shortly after Christmas, spending my Christmas money, and I was going to buy a bunch of really cool stuff, like a Lazy Susan for the kitchen, an orange case and keyboard cover for my laptop, an orange case for my phone, and screen protector for my phone (long overdue). While I was at it, I decided to just throw in a unicorn cookie cutter.
It was probably one of the best purchases I've ever made. My cookies became orange unicorns and 100% magical. The only problem was the horn (corn?), legs and tail of this cookie cutter were pretty small and the cookie dough kept getting stuck and making deformed unicorns. I busted out the nonstick cooking spray and the problem was solved!
Unfortunately, all the unicorns got really fat in the oven and in the end I made 40 delicious, orange unicorns (that resembled rhinoceroses).