Monday, February 4, 2013

Cookie cutters work better when sprayed with nonstick spray.

One day I was on Pinterest just wasting some time when I stumbled across this pin for hot pink chocolate chip cookies. Hot pink! It's basically just chocolate chip cookies with food coloring added to the cookie dough. Genius! How have I never thought of this before?! I decided to try out the recipe, except one up it and make my cookies orange.

The recipe from the original website was excellent! What it doesn't say, though, is that this is for a serving of about 50 regular sized cookies. Also it doesn't tell you how long to bake for, so for those of you who are like me and aren't super cooking experts, try approximately 16 minutes at 375 degrees (definitely burnt my first batch, oops).

As if orange cookies aren't already magical enough, I decided to add to the magic with this really cool cookie cutter I bought on Amazon. I was online shopping shortly after Christmas, spending my Christmas money, and I was going to buy a bunch of really cool stuff, like a Lazy Susan for the kitchen, an orange case and keyboard cover for my laptop, an orange case for my phone, and screen protector for my phone (long overdue). While I was at it, I decided to just throw in a unicorn cookie cutter.

It was probably one of the best purchases I've ever made. My cookies became orange unicorns and 100% magical. The only problem was the horn (corn?), legs and tail of this cookie cutter were pretty small and the cookie dough kept getting stuck and making deformed unicorns. I busted out the nonstick cooking spray and the problem was solved!

Unfortunately, all the unicorns got really fat in the oven and in the end I made 40 delicious, orange unicorns (that resembled rhinoceroses).