Tuesday, January 17, 2012

You can't use liquid dish soap in the dishwasher.

I had just moved out of the dorms and into my very first apartment, so I was lacking a lot of things normal people have in their homes. Like dishes and dishwasher soap. In fact, I went through the whole summer and majority of fall semester with only one plate (that one orange one in the dishwasher). Luckily the apartments I moved into had inhabitants already so I was able to use their dishes until I inherited my own.

Anyway, the dishwasher was getting full and I was almost out of dishes to use so I had to run it. While living in the dorms I had a meal plan so I usually ate in the dinning hall. When I did have dishes to wash, I just did them by hand in the bathroom sink. In fact, I believe this experience was the first time I had ever used a dishwasher without parental supervision. I had dawn liquid dish soap from my dishwashing days in the dorms, but nothing else, and so I was like, 'Okay, dish soap! I hope this works!'
It didn't. The mess got even worse and I ended up having to mop the whole floor with it. Which wasn't working out very well for me because I didn't have a real mop so I was using a Swifter. So after this I went out to the dollar store and picked up some real dishwasher detergent.

Lesson learned.

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