Saturday, February 25, 2012

Breakfast tacos are a Texas thing.

I stumbled upon this fact while chatting with a friend from Missouri one day. The conversation went something like this:

Me: I'm so hungry. I want a honey butter chicken biscuit. (From Whataburger, which is definitely a Texas thing, and arguably the most delicious meal ever.)
Me (being more realistic now): No, actually I want a breakfast taco.
Friend: What's that?
Me (this is actually what my face looked like):

Then the next day I was chatting with a different friend, also from Missouri. That conversation went something like this:
Me: Did you know our friend doesn't know what a breakfast taco is?!
Friend: What's a breakfast taco?
Me (again):

This is about when I started to realize that either breakfast tacos are a Texas thing or just not a Missouri thing. So I went into journalist mode and verified my facts with a friend from Illinois. This conversation went something like this:
Me: So... do you know what a breakfast taco is?
Friend: Um, no?

Unless my very detailed and extensive research is incorrect, breakfast tacos are in fact a Texas thing. This is very unfortunate, because next to honey butter chicken biscuits, they are the best breakfast ever! They're also one of the few things I can actually make, and I will share the recipe so everyone can have the opportunity to enjoy the second best breakfast ever.

What you need:
  • 1 Egg
  • A little bit of milk (for scrambling the egg)
  • Flour tortilla
  • Shredded cheese
  • Bacon (healthy option=turkey bacon), or ham, or sausage, or potato, or all four.

Step 1: Cook the bacon. (Or ham, or sausage, or potato.)
I cook four slices and put two in the breakfast taco and just eat the other two.
Step 2: While the bacon is cooking, scramble the egg. If you want more than one egg, you need to make another breakfast taco because only one egg will fit in the tortilla. Also, to make this step take one minute and 35 seconds, use the microwave (it works and the eggs are delicious).

Step 3: Put the scrambled egg and bacon (or ham, or sausage, or potato, or whatever) on the tortilla. Add some cheese.
Sorry about the missing piece of tortilla. I got hungry.
Step 4: Roll the tortilla!
Step 5: Eat and enjoy!

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